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To celebrate the release of SPIDER-MAN INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE my kiddo and I made salt dough ornaments and they’re Spidey-Tastic!

Super easy to make and kiddo will love helping, it will make for a great time. *A SUPER URGENT reminder, keep these ornaments out of reach of pets (they can be toxic to dogs) and small children that would want to put them in their mouth!!!! What you need:

4 cups all purpose flour 1 cup salt 1.5 cups warm water

SPIDER-MAN Cookie Cutter

Acrylic Paint Clear Glaze Finish

Straw (to cut a hole)


Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine all of your ingredients and knead for 10 minutes. If your dough is too dry add a little bit more water in and continue to knead.

Roll out the dough to a thickness that you'd like your salt dough ornament to be. Use the straw and make a hole on the top of where you want to hang your ornament. Bake for 1-2 hours. If the ornament is still doughy, put it back in the oven for another hour. Once it’s cool, you may start painting with kiddo. When the paint is dry, mamas this is your part, spray it with the glaze.

The thickness of the dough will determine how long you have to bake them for. You can also raise the temperature up to 325 degrees F but do this gradually as they may start to puff up. Personally I bake it at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for longer and let them air dry for a few days.

Once you've painted, glazed and let it dry, run a ribbon thru the hole and hang it on your tree! Happy Holidays y'all. x

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