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"RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN" is a DreamWorks Animation film that takes audiences on a thrilling and heart-warming journey under the sea. The movie centers around Ruby, a 16-year-old girl who desperately wants to fit in at school but feels invisible. However, when Ruby breaks her mother's rule and enters the water, she discovers that she is part of a legendary royal lineage of mythical sea krakens and that her destiny is bigger than she ever imagined.

The film's animation is visually stunning, with sharp details and enhanced water animation that brings the underwater world to life. The bright colors, sparkling skin tones, and fluid movement give off a happy, bubbly, and kid-friendly vibe that is perfect for a summer movie.

What sets "RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN" apart is its heart. The movie is not just about a girl discovering her mythical heritage and battling mermaids to protect the ocean. It's also about fitting in, finding your place in the world, and standing up for what you believe in. Lana Condor shines as the relatable and endearing Ruby, while Toni Collette brings humor and heart as her overbearing mom.

Jane Fonda is a standout as the fierce and commanding Kraken queen, and Annie Murphy is delightful as the conflicted mermaid. The humor in the movie is on point, with jokes and gags that will appeal to both kids and adults. The action sequences are thrilling and well-choreographed, with plenty of tentacle-slinging and underwater battles. The movie's soundtrack complements the visuals and the story perfectly, with catchy songs that will have you tapping your feet and humming along.

"RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN" is a fun and entertaining movie that the whole family can enjoy. It's a great reminder that sometimes the hero you're meant to be is already inside of you, just waiting to be unleashed. The film has a positive message, great characters, thrilling action, and beautiful animation. It's a must-see for anyone who loves adventure, humor, and heart. Don't miss out on this exciting journey under the sea!



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